Manually assigning Goals to employees would be tedious, especially if there are a large number of employees to update.
No need to worry! In Performance+, you can import goals for mass employees rather than individually assign them. Here's how it's done:
1. On the Performance, simply click “Manage Employees” and select “Import Content” under the menu item.”
2. When selected, the “Choose File” tab will display, and then, you may select the Import Type “Assign Current Goals to Employees”.
3. Click the link below to download the template. Populate them with the content you desire to import. They include the following columns.
Link: Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees
This option will assign Goals to employees or update Goals already assigned as specified in the import file.
- Employee ID –The employee’s ID number in Performance Pro. (Either Employee ID or Username must be present for the import to run.)
- Username – The employee’s Username in Performance Pro. (Either Employee ID or Username must be present for the import to run.)
- Appraisal Process – (for use if using Concurrent Appraisals) - Name of the Appraisal Process to add the Goal to. (The employee must have this Appraisal Process already assigned to them for the Goal to be added to it.)
- Goal Name - Name of the Goal, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance Pro, it will update the description and/or weight, if applicable.
- Goal Description - Description of the Goal, up to 4000 characters
- Goal Weight – (for use if Divide Weights Evenly feature is off) - The desired weight of the Goal.
4. Once your import .csv files are populated with your data, the next step is to choose your .csv file from the “Choose File” tab. Click the “Choose File” button. Navigate to and select your.csv file.
5. Once the Import Type is selected, click “Upload.”
6. Once the file is uploaded, a “Template” tab will open on which you will match the .csv file columns to existing Performance Pro fields.
- Either Employee ID or Username must be present for this import to run. Click the key beside either “Employee ID” or “Username,” depending on which info is included in your file, to make it the key prior to clicking “Continue.”
- If the Concurrent Appraisals feature is not activated in your system, Appraisal Process should be marked “Skip.” If it is activated, you must include an Appraisal Process name in your file for each row of data imported and required.
- If “Divide Weights Evenly” is activated in your system, Goal Weight should be marked “Skip” and no weights should be included in your .csv file.
- Once fields are matched and you click “Continue,” alerts will display if problems are detected. An alert will appear if new Goals are detected in the .csv file. You will be given the option to map the item to existing Goal Library Goals (by choosing an option from the dropdown) or to create a new one (by checking the “Create New” checkbox. The New Goals will be uploaded to System Setup > Content Customization > Goal Library > Company List. Click “Continue” at the bottom of the Alert box when finished.
7. Click “Continue” when all fields are matched. Also, once all alerts are resolved, the Start Import tab will appear. Click “Continue” to run the import.
8. Once the import runs, the History tab will add the status of the import to the list of previous imports.
- If there are no skipped rows or errors within a file, the chart icon will display in the “Results” column, on the import row.
- If there are skipped rows or errors within a file, a red caution triangle
will display.
9. Lastly, to see the goals imported, you may go to “Employee Goal Tools” under the Employee Documents tab and select the “Performance Appraisal Process”.
If there were problems with the import, they will be detailed in the “Data Issues” section of the report. Possible problems include:
Skipped Messages
- Category is missing for Goal, the field was not changed.
- Name is missing for Goal, the field was not changed.
- The username or employee ID does not match a current employee, the field was not changed.
- The Appraisal Process name does not exist, the field was not changed.
Errors But Still Processed
- Goals are over or under 100%, please adjust weights in the Employee Goal Tools.
I hope this information helps! For any more questions or concerns about this feature, feel free to shoot us a message at We look forward to hearing from you!
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