This article describes how to import and assign Competencies to positions to assign to employees.
As an Administrative User, go to the “Import Content” menu item under “Manage Employees.”
When selected, the “Choose File” tab will display.
- Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library – This option will upload the Competencies and/or Goals to the company libraries without making any assignments to positions or employees.
- Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions – This option will assign Competencies to positions or update Competencies already assigned as specified in the import file.
- Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees – This option will assign Goals to employees or update Goals already assigned as specified in the import file. Here's the KB article: How to Import Goals in Performance+?
There are import templates (.csv format) available that correspond with the import types described above.
Click the links below to download the templates. Populate them with the content you desire to import. They include the following columns.
Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library
Criterion – The only acceptable value for this column is either Competency or Goal.
Note: The criterion type will not respect any customization you have performed on the Custom Terms screen. As an example, you may have renamed “Competencies” to “Factors.” Using any term other than competency or goal in the Criterion column will cause errors in the import process. - Category – Category to store the Competency/Goal in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not already exist in Performance+, it will be created upon import.
- Name – Name of the Competency or Goal, up to 100 characters. If the name already exists in Performance+, it will be updated with the information in the import file if mapped to an existing Competency. The information that will be updated includes description and definitions of each level description.
- Description – Description of the Competency or Goal, up to 4000 characters.
- Level 1-10 Description – There are 10 columns to accommodate up to 10 levels of Competency ratings. Goal levels will need to be set up manually and cannot be included in the content import.
Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions
- Position Category – Category to store the Position in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not exist in Performance+, it will be created upon import.
- Position Name - Name of the Position, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance+, it will be updated with the information below in the import file.
- Competency Category – Category to store the Competency in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not exist in Performance+, it will be created upon import.
- Competency Name – Name of the Competency, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance+, it will update the assigned weight, if applicable.
- Weight – Weight assigned to the Competency.
Once your import .csv files are populated, click “Choose File.” Navigate to and select your.csv file.
Select an import type from the “Import Type” dropdown. Your choice should match the type of data on your .csv file. Your choices are:
- Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library
- Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions
- Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees
Once the Import Type is selected, click “Upload.”
Once the file is uploaded, the “Template” tab will open. Here you will match the columns to Performance+ fields. The first column lists the column headings in your file. A check mark indicates it is matched to a Performance+ field. The next column contains the dropdowns of possible Performance+ fields to match each column to. The mapping options will vary depending on your file data and which type of import you chose. Examples of the “Template” tab for each type of import appear below.
Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to the Company Library
The “Name” field is the key in this type of import and must be present.
Although there can be up to 10 Level columns in the file, the field dropdowns will only give you matching options based upon the number of Competency Levels currently in your system.
Click “Continue” when all fields are matched.
Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions
All five fields are required in this type of import and must be present. Click the key beside “Position Name” to make it the key prior to clicking “Continue.”
Click “Continue” when all fields are matched.
Once fields are matched and you click “Continue,” alerts will display if problems are detected.
An alert will appear if new Competencies are detected in the .csv file. You will be given the option to map the item to existing competencies (by choosing an option from the dropdown) or to create a new one (by checking the “Create New” checkbox.)
- New Competencies will be uploaded to System Setup > Content Customization > Competencies > Company List.
An alert will also appear if new Positions are detected in the .csv file. You will be given the option to map the Position to an existing Position (by choosing an option from the dropdown) or to create a new one (by checking the “Create New” checkbox.)
Click “Continue” at the bottom of the Alert box when finished.
Once all alerts are resolved, the Start Import tab will appear. Click “Continue” to run the import.
Once the import runs, the History tab will add the status of the import to the list of previous imports. If there are no skipped rows or errors within a file, the chart icon will display in the “Results” column, on the import row. If there are skipped rows or errors within a file, a red caution triangle will display.
Click the icon from the “Results” column to see a summary of the import. Click “Print” if desired.
If there were problems with the import, they will be detailed in the “Data Issues” section of the report. Possible problems include:
Skipped Messages
- The category is missing for either Position or Competency the field was not changed.
- The name is missing for Competency the field was not changed.
- The username or employee ID does not match a current employee, the field was not changed.
- The Appraisal Process name does not exist, the field was not changed.
Should you have other questions or concerns, feel free to check out our Knowledge Base page HERE!
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