The ability to modify an employee's password straight from Sprout HR is a feature of the Admin Dashboard, but like other features and benefits, it has its restrictions. Admin users are not advised to modify the user's password if the account is locked. Please see the example image provided below:
If the employee's account is locked, the Admins are not advised to change the employee's password.
You may ask why, as the default design of the system, once a user is locked out, the Admin must unlock the account and the employee must reset his password via the link that will be sent to his email.
This is to ensure that it is the user himself who is accessing the account for security purposes to avoid a breach of confidential information inside the employee's profile such as Name, Government information, and Salary Details.
Security feature: Account lockout with CAPTCHA
Account Has Been Locked but There Is No Option to Unlock the Account
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