As an admin user of Sprout HR, you can allow or restrict access to certain features or pages for employees and managers. Employees should only access a limited set of information (i.e. they don't need to be able to view payroll information and work schedules of their colleagues), while payroll admins or managers, for instance, require access to more information in order to carry out their tasks properly (i.e. approving attendance applications, managing employee and team schedule, etc.).
All these restrictions and clearances can be setupvia the Access Levels page on Sprout HR. Let's take a look at how this can be done.
On the maintenance tab on the Navigation toolbar on the dashboard, select Access Levels from the drop-down list that appears.
Access Level, Name, Dashboard, and Viewing
Default access levels are already provided in the Level drop-down field. If any of these apply to your current employees, these can be assigned via their Sprout HR profile. You can customize each access level by checking and unchecking certain boxes that would either enable or disable the viewing, editing, adding, or deleting of certain items on Sprout HR.
If you wish to create an entirely new access level you can opt to do this as well.
To create an access level, select the New Access Level option under the Level drop-down field.
Enter the name which you'd like to use to call this access level.
Choose the dashboard type. In this example, we're creating an access level for a supervisor, so the correct type to select is the Manager access level. To learn more about dashboard types and its uses, visit this article discussing them --
What Are the Different Dashboard Types?
Select the Employee Viewing option that applies. In this example, we selected Direct Reports so the supervisor can only view employees that directly report to him or her. To learn more about employee viewing options and how these work, see this related article -
What Is Employee Viewing? (Access Levels)
My Profile Viewing and Employee Page Access
Click the Can Add Employee drop-down. Select Yes to allow the supervisor access to add new employees to the account or select No to restrict this capability.
In the following sections below, you will set up how much the supervisor can access the following sections of his or her own profile and other employees' profiles as well. Ideally, only HR administrators are given access to make changes and delete information.
- No access - Can't view the specific section.
- View or View Only - Can view but cannot make any changes.
- Add - Can add but cannot make changes.
- Editor or Edit - Can make changes.
- Delete - Can delete the information.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom so you don't miss any section.
Navigation Access
The next step is to click the Navigation Access tab. Then check the ones that should be accessible/enabled for that level.
The last step is to scroll back up to the top of the page and click the Save button.
A prompt will show that you've successfully added a new access level.
Et voila! You've just learned how to add a new access level. For any questions or concerns, shoot us a message any time at We look forward to hearing from you.
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