New employee profiles on Sprout HR can be added in two ways.
The first is by adding individual employees via Add Employee under the Administration Tools tab. The second is by adding multiple employees at the same time via the Sprout HR Employee Template, as described in this article - How to Fill out the Sprout HR Template
Here, we shall focus on how to do it via the Administration Tools.
1. On your dashboard click the Administration Tools tab and select Add Employee from the drop-down list that appears.
2. Click on a tab or section to expand.
Please note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Without properly filling these out, you can’t proceed in adding the new employee
Basic Information
- *First Name
- Middle Name
- *Last Name
- System ID - this is system-generated.
- Gender
- Civil Status
- *Date of Birth
- *Employee ID - must be unique: this is used by the system to link employees to their managers.
Work Information
- Company
- Location
- Payroll ID Number - required only if the employee has an existing Sprout Payroll profile.
- Department/Line of Business
- Title
- Employee type
- *Hire Date
- Reports to - select manager.
- Employment Status
- Expected Regularization Date
- *Biometric ID - must be unique. Please inform your IT department that biometric IDs should always be new to ensure accurate historical logs. Biometric IDs must never be recycled from previous employees.
- Employee Remarks
Work Schedule
*Schedule type
- Normal Shift - follows the required no. of hours to work based on set schedule. Uses Shift From and Shift To.
- Flexi Per Day - follows the required no. of hours to work based on core hours. Uses Core From (latest time allowed to log in) and Core To (earliest time allowed to log out).
- Flexi Per Week - Counts hours per week from Sunday to Saturday.
- Exempted - Employee will have perfect attendance regardless of missing logs.
To understand the different schedule types better, see this related article - What Are the Different Schedule Types?
- If you input a break in the table below, it will deduct from the total no. of hours.
- e.g. Total no. of hours = 9 minus 1 hours break = 8 hours required to work.
Input times for shift/core from and shift/core to.
Input Break Start and Break End, then check the box if that day is a Rest Day.
Fill these out for all the days of the week.
Government Information
- *TIN
- PhilHealth
- PRC License No.
- Passport No.
- Tax Status
Only numbers are accepted for SSS, TIN, PhilHealth, and PagIBIG.
Educational Background - this section is optional.
Performance Management - this section is optional.
Contact Information
- Local Trunk Line
- Pin
- Skype ID
- Add New Emergency Contact
*Alternate Phone Numbers - input at least one using the following formats:
Mobile: 11 or 12 digits (eg. 09171234567 or 639123456789)
Landline: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
Home: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
Work: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
Other: 11 or 12 digits (eg. 09171234567 or 639123456789) -
*Email - input at least one.
Visa - this section is optional.
Dependents - this section is optional.
Benefits - this section is optional.
Leave Plans and Usage
This section can be skipped for now. Leave plans can be added once the profile is created.
Salary - this section is optional.
Advances - this section is optional.
Training - this section is optional.
Assets - this section is optional.
Memo - this section is optional.
Seminars Attended / Service Training Attended - this section is optional.
Employment Record - this section is optional.
Movement - this section is optional.
Documents - this section is empty and becomes functional after the profile is saved.
Medical Records - this section is empty and becomes functional the after profile is saved.
Requirements - this section is optional.
Access Level
- Employee Code
- *Login Name - must be unique.
- *User Level - select one. This is based on the existing Access Levels added to your company’s account.
- Password - must not contain sequences.
After all required fields have been filled out, click the Save button at the bottom of the page
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