It is important to know the composition of BIR form 2316 otherwise known as the Certificate of Compensation Payment or Income Tax Withheld.
The BIR form 2316 contains the following information:
- For the Year (YYYY) - Calendar year
- For the Period (MM/DD) To (MM/DD) - payroll period coverage from the present employer
PART 1: Employee Information - TIN - Employee's tax identification number
- Employee's Name - Full name of the employee (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
- RDO Code - Revenue District Office number of employee
- Registered Address - Address of employee
6A. Zip Code - employee's registered address' zip code
6B. Local Home Address - temporary or current address of the employee
6C. Zip Code - employee's local address' zip code
6D. Foreign Address - employee's foreign address - Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)- Birthdate of employee
- Contact number
- Statutory Minimum Wage rate per Day - rate per day
- Statutory Minimum Wage rate per Month - rate per month
- Minimum Wage Earner (MWE) whose compensation is exempt from Withholding Tax and not subject to income tax - mark x if applicable
PART 2: Employer Information (Present)
- TIN - present employer's tax identification number
- Employer's Name - present employer's name
- Registered Address - present employer's registered address
14A. Zip Code - present employer's registered address' zip code - Type of Employer - If Main Employer or Secondary Employer
PART 3: Employer Information (Previous)
- TIN - previous employer's tax identification number
- Employer's Name - previous employer's name
- Registered Address - previous employer's registered address
18A. Zip Code - previous employer's registered address' zip code
PART 4A: Summary
- Gross Compensation Income from Present Employer - item 36 plus item 52
- Less: Total Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation Income from Present Employer - item 38
- Taxable Compensation Income from Present Employer - item 19 less item 20 (From item 52)
- Add: Taxable Compensation Income from Previous Employer - if applicable
- Gross Taxable Compensation Income - sum of items 21 and 22
- Tax Due
- Amount of Taxes Withheld
25A. Present Employer - total taxes withheld by present employer
25B. Previous Employer - total taxes withheld by previous employer - Total Amount of Taxes Withheld as adjusted - Sum of items 25A and 25B
- 5% Tax Credit (PERA Act of 2008) - 5% tax credit should be evidenced by a PERA-Tax Credit Certificate (TCC).
- Total Taxes Withheld - sum of items 26 and 27
PART 4B: Details of Compensation Income and Tax Withheld from Present Employer
A. Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation Income
- Basic Salary (including the exempt P250,000 & below or the Statutory Minimum Wage of the MWE)
- Holiday Pay (MWE) - rate worked during holidays
- Overtime (MWE) - rate worked beyond working hours or overtime payment
- Night Shift Differential (MWE) - amount worked during night differential
- Hazard Pay (MWE) - hazard payment is given to employees for performing hazardous duties if applicable
- 13th-month pay and other Other Benefits (maximum of P90,000) - 13th-month and bonuses given to employees
- De Minimis Benefits - small values provided by the employer to employees merely as a means to promote health, goodwill, contentment, or efficiency.
- SSS, GSIS, PHIC & PAG-IBIG Contributions & Union Dues (Employee Share only )- Mandatory government premium for present employer
- Salaries & Other Forms of Compensation - other benefits that are non-taxable which can not be classified as de minimis
- Total Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation Income - Total of items from 29 to 37
B. Taxable Compensation Income Regular - Basic Salary - Wage rate of non-MWE
- Representation - allowance
- Transportation - allowance
- Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) - allowance given to an employee on top of basic salary
- Fixed Housing Allowance - allowance
- Others (44A and 44B) - if they have other allowances aside from the above items
- Commission - sales commission
- Profit Sharing - if any
- Fees including Director's Fees - Professional fees of employees
- Taxable 13th-month pay and Other Benefits- 13th-month pay and bonuses in excess of P90,000 ceiling
- Hazard Pay - hazard payment is given to employees for performing hazardous duties if applicable
- Overtime Pay - Payment in excess of regular working hours
- Others (51A and 51B) - payment other than items 45-50
- Total Taxable Compensation Income- total of items from 39 to 51B
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