Just a year ago, the House of Representatives approved on third and final reading a bill that would enable companies to implement compressed work weeks. A compressed work week is an alternative working schedule that shortens a customary six-day work week to five days. With this schedule type, employees are able to accomplish the full number of required weekly hours by working longer days.
The most popular choice in a compressed work week is shortening a six-day work week into five days. To properly set this up, you can refer to the scenario below:
The most popular choice in a compressed work week is shortening a six-day work week into five days. To properly set this up, you can refer to the scenario below:
Employee A is currently on a six-day work schedule. From Monday to Saturday (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM), he is expected to accomplish a total of eight hours of work per day, inclusive of a break (Total: 48 hours). How do we compress this into a five-day work week?
Numbers of Hours to Work Inc. of Break: 10 hours
New Work Schedule: Monday to Friday
Expected Shift: Monday to Thursday (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM); Friday (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Important: When transitioning to a compressed work week, the total number of hours to work expected per week should always be the same.
I hope this helps!
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