For a lot of employees, a shifting schedule is routinary. This is especially true for BPO's (Business Process Outsourcing) who are more accustomed to a rotating work schedule. This particular schedule type cycle employees through different shifts (e.g. day, night, mid) to ensure that no one is forced to endure the less desirable working hours. Through bulk upload, users can easily adjust the schedule of multiple employees for a certain period of time.
Through this process, some of you may notice that even though the file has been successfully uploaded, the schedule adjustment is still not reflecting correctly. One possible reason is that the required format is not followed. For example, there are times wherein breaks are not applicable. This is especially true if the shift only lasts for four hours or less. In this scenario, what should I input on the Break Start and Break End column?
Even if the employee has no break for that day, you would still have to follow the format specified on the template, which is hh:mm am/pm. The template would not push through if you simply entered a 0 or (-) for those columns. For these cases, simply change the break start/end from 0 to the usual 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM. This is already enough to specify that the employee did not have any break for that particular date.
I hope this information helps! If you have any questions, let us know at We look forward to hearing from you.
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