If the Attendance Report shows “No Logs," the first important thing to check is whether this affects all employees or specific employee/s only.
If ALL employees are affected, the steps below will guide you on how to address this matter. You may need the assistance of your IT administrator to do the following:
1. Check if the biometric device is properly connected to the network. It should be pingable.
2. Go to ZK Time Attendance software. Check if the status of the device/s is/are “Connected”. Also, verify if the employees have logs on the dates which show No Logs.
3. If the status is Disconnected, try to re-connect it by either:
a. Selecting the device then clicking Connect, or
b. by unplugging the LAN cable from the device then plugging it back in properly.
If it has re-connected, repeat steps 1 and 2 above. Otherwise, the problem could be related to the device itself. In this case, please have your IT Team coordinate with your supplier.
If only a specific employee is affected, below are the items that need to be checked further:
1. Under the Maintenance tab on your dashboard, select Attendance Management from the drop-down list that appears.
a. Are there logs reflecting here? Are the logs correctly tagged as In and/or Out?
b. Are the logs complete? If there are more than 2 logs recorded, what is the time range of the first and last log? Currently, the range should be at least 2 hours before it will be reflected on the Attendance Report.
2. Under the Maintenance tab on your dashboard, select Attendance Report from the drop-down list that appears.
a. What is the shift type? Is it Profile Schedule or Schedule Adjusted?
b. What is the shift schedule? Does it match with the existing logs reflecting in Attendance Management or is there a schedule conflict?
c. Is it a holiday or rest day? Please note that if it’s a rest day or a non-working holiday and the employee reported to work, there should be an approved schedule adjustment. If it’s an optional holiday or mandatory working holiday, there’s no need for a schedule adjustment.
3. Under the My Team tab on your dashboard, select Approvaal Center from the drop-down list that appears.
a. Is there an approved COA or OB? Check the details of the application.
b. Is there an approved Schedule Adjustment on a rest day, holiday or regular day? Check the details of the application.
4. Employee Profile
a. What is the Biometric ID? Does it match with the Biometric ID saved in the device?
b. What is the schedule type assigned to the employee? - This is related to item 5A below.
5. Threshold Limit
a. Are the logs/COA/OB within the threshold? - Refer to this article: How Do Pre-Shift & Post-Shift Thresholds Work?
6. Biometric Device (ZK Time Attendance)
a. What is the Biometric ID? Does it match with the Biometric ID saved on the employee profile?
b. Are there logs reflecting in the device?
c. Is the device properly connected to the network?
All in all, this article is a checklist of things you can look into if you believe the Attendance Report is improperly refllecting "No Logs."
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