There are times when you find that you have inadvertently input the wrong information on your Certificate of Attendance. Fortunately, Sprout HR allows you to edit your application even after submitting it for approval, but only as long as the filing hasn't been approved yet by your immediate manager.
Via My Stuff panel on the Dashboard
1. Under the My Stuff Panel, look for the specific SA application you want to update. Click on the Pencil icon beside the SA.
2. Input the changes in the Schedule Adjustment details.
3. Click the Save button, and a message prompt will appear if your application was submitted successfully.
Via My Requests tab on the Dashboard
1. Click the My Requests tab, and choose My Schedule Adjustments from the drop-down list that appears.
2. Under the Pending/Resubmitted for Editing tab, look for the specific SA application you want to update, and click the Update button.
3. Input the changes in the SA details. Click the Apply button afterwards.
4. A message prompt will appear if your application was submitted successfully.
Et voila! You’ve just learned how to update the details of your Schedule Adjustment application. For any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at We look forward to hearing from you!
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