Just recently, our Development Team made some changes to the expected regularization date field of the employee profile. As some users might have noticed before, the system did not initially have any validation on the information entered in this particular field. In most cases, when the expected regularization date is not yet set or finalized, Sprout HR would automatically generate 01/01/1900 as the default date.
With the recent update, the system has now heightened its validation process. If the expected regularization date is earlier than the hire date, the user will not be able to successfully save the changes made to an employee's profile. As a result, a simple prompt would appear: Expected regularization date is earlier than the hire date.
When this appears, be sure to double-check the regularization date you entered. If you're unsure what to input, remember that the regularization date is typically set for 6 months (or sometimes less) after the hire date.
I hope this helps!
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