As you might have noticed already, Sprout recently made some minor updates on the schedule adjustment feature. Besides applying modifications on the feature's graphics, the basic code and overall function are retained.
With all the recent changes applied, here is what you need to know:
The schedule adjustment application now displays your current work schedule, the expected effectivity date, and the new schedule to be requested.
Note: The effectivity date is when the new schedule is considered to take effect, which may be a past, present, or future date.
To lessen confusion among our clients, the icons when filing for a schedule adjustment have become more comprehensible. Let us familiarize ourselves with each icon:
No boxes are ticked. This is a regular working day.
Make Rest Day is ticked. The icon is locked. This is a rest day.
Make Rest Day is ticked. The icon has been unlocked. This is a working rest day.
If No Break is ticked, the client has no scheduled break. If not ticked, the client should have a scheduled break.
If you would like the existing schedule to be applied to other days, click on the carbon copy icon. You will have the option to copy the schedule for one specific day to other days.
I hope this information helps! For any further questions you may have about this, feel free to shoot us a message at We look forward to hearing from you.
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