Cost Centers are departments, functions, or units within an organization that do not directly generate revenue but incur costs. Its primary purpose is to support the organization's overall operations, and the costs it generates are essential for business functions such as administration, human resources, or IT.
But, when a Cost Center is no longer in use, users may delete it. They simply need to click the Delete button under the Setup > Company > Cost Center module in Sprout Payroll.
However, in some cases, there will be times a user will encounter an OOPS error when clicking the delete button.
It happens when the Cost Center is still currently in use which means some employees are still assigned to the Cost Center being deleted.
Now, if you wish to delete the Cost Center, you only need to do the following:
1. The user would need to create a new cost center in Sprout Payroll under Setup > Company > Cost Center. To do this, kindly check this article: How to Add a New Cost Center
2. The user must be assigned to the newly created cost center but please take note of the following:
If the account is full sync,
a) The cost center must be assigned via the Current Payroll Information in the Employee Profile of Sprout HR. Synced Accounts: How to Add, Update, and Assign Cost Centers to Employees
b) You can also update the cost center in bulk by changing column S. How to Edit Employees in Bulk
If the account is partial sync,
a) The cost center can be assigned through the Employees tab, Job Details in Sprout Payroll.
b) Updating the cost center in bulk is also applicable under the Employees tab > Import Excel > Bulk Edit, column O.
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