Sprout Pulse is an engagement tool used to survey a company’s employees across different aspects of the business, with output that helps inform decisions and initiatives to improve the workplace.
On the other hand, Sprout Pulse is not:
- A surveying tool (We do more than that!)
- A prescriptive consultation service (We do NOT offer advice)
- A custom service (Our surveys are pre-made)
Here's everything you need to know about this new feature:
When can I see my dashboard updates?
Dashboards update at noon the following day.
Who can see my dashboard updates?
Only Pulse admins are given access ot the dasboards via Gmail address. Trying to log in with any other email address will be rejected.
Where can I see my dashboard updates?
Go to the Resource Center and open the Pulse section. This will bring you to a button to redirect you to the dashboard.
Do you offer surveys in Tagalog?
Yes, this option is available.
Can I remove the Maybe Later option?
Yes, we do this to increase participation rates.
Can we turn off anonymity?
We do not recommend this as this may affect both the integrity of the answers as well as the participation rates.
Can we submit our own questions?
Currently, this is not available with Pulse as this affects the integrity of the analysis that we do. This also also removes our ability to make recommendations based on the engagement surveys we have.
The dashboard has not been updating, what do I do?
Send in an email to experts@sprout.ph for checking.
The survey is not popping up, what do I do?
Send in an email to experts@sprout.ph for checking.
How often do we have surveys?
You can have up to two surveys a month.
Our response rates are low. How do we improve this?
Sprout Pulse needs cascading across your workplace in order to get the buy-in for all employees. We can also employ pop-ups and remove the Maybe Later option to help boost response rates.
Can I skip the survey?
You may click the Maybe Later option to snooze the survey for eight hours.
Can we have different surveys run for different departments?
Currently, the surveys we run are only company wide.
Can we run a separate survey for our CEO/Management Team?
Yes, but they will have to be run on dates separate from the rest of your company's survey run.
Can we have special customization done for our CEO's survey?
The same as mentioned above, but the customization is only limited to adding/removing the Maybe Later button, and having a button to have the survey force pop-up.
Who should I contact if my question isn't answered here?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by sending an email to experts@sprout.ph!
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