The E-Signature is essential for all payroll reports and BIR reports, such as BIR Form 2316. If you haven't yet tried uploading an E-signature, here's how to do it. However, if you wish to exclude the E-Signature from the payroll report, you can simply submit a Change Request Form to have it removed. For reports like BIR Form 2316, if you select the 'Substituted' option, you will be required to upload an E-Signature to proceed.
If you prefer not to include the E-Signature of your company's Authorized Signatory and only wish to display the name, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Please follow the steps provided below:
1. Upload a blank or white image to serve as your E-Signature. This will ensure that when generating the BIR Form 2316, the system will no longer require you to upload a signature, as the blank or white image will be recognized as your signature.
2. Once done, you may generate the BIR Form 2316 and tick the substituted.
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