Sprout Wellness offers a holistic solution outside the employees' day-to-day functions. The services that Sprout Wellness provides are designed to engage employees in group activities that promote their well-being.
Sprout Wellness generates analytics through Sprout Pulse. Some of the engagement activities we offer are meditation, yoga, and group coaching sessions led by skilled professionals licensed in those fields. We also offer personal consultations of employees with a psychologist.
In this article, we will answer frequently asked questions by our clients:
How long is the online consultation?
Online consults are typically one (1) hour. At times, initial sessions (which is the first meeting between your employee and our Provider’s psychologist/psychiatrist) may go beyond two (2) hours.
Can we reschedule the wellness activities?
For consultation appointments, cancellation or rescheduling is permitted as long as there is a 24-hour notice. Otherwise, the session is considered consumed. For other Wellness activities, schedules are already predetermined.
Can a patient-employee request a copy of his/her wellness records?
Employees who availed of online consults have a right to ask for their medical records, although the Provider has a right to decline if in its discernment it will not be helpful for them to have access.
Can a patient-employee request for a certificate of the state of his/her Mental Health?
Yes. Medical certificates are free, but medical abstracts are not.
Will I be alone during the yoga and meditation?
Similar to a gym subscription, there may be other attendees from other companies that have availed of Sprout Wellness during the time slot you chose.
Is the privacy and confidentiality of our employees protected?
Any information or conversations that your employees will share during the consultation are protected and respected by our Providers. Before receiving any service, our Providers will inform you about their respective privacy notices and practices.
How long is each session for yoga and meditation?
Each session of yoga and meditation is typically forty (40) minutes to one (1) hour.
That's it for now! If you have any questions that are not answered by this article, feel free to reach out to us at experts@sprout.ph
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