You may be wondering what this article is all about. Here's a detailed guideline on how overtime during optional holidays works on Sprout HR.
First, allow me to share that there are instances that you are requiring employees to render work on a holiday without the need of having to submit a schedule adjustment application. Meaning, if an employee reported working during the holiday, the holiday premium is automatically computed whereas if the employee did not report to work, they are not given any absence deduction for that matter.
You may be able to set the holiday types to Optional Holiday so that the system would only require logs to record if employees reported to work or not. If they have complete logs for the holiday, then they will be given the corresponding premiums. With this, the Schedule Adjustment would only be needed if their holiday work shift is different from their default. For more details, you may refer to our article here: Holiday Settings
However, please note that we also have a policy set up on our end for overtime on an optional holiday. If you will set the holiday types to Optional Holiday and you would allow overtime on a holiday (work done in excess of their shift), it would be best to enable this.
To do so, you may send a Change Request Form indicating this request. Once done, we will review and process this accordingly.
That's it! When enabled, employees will now be able to file their overtime in excess of their optional holiday shift.
Should you encounter any problem after the policy has been enabled, you may reach out to
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