Mass Overtime Applications Can Be Filed By Managers for their Direct Reports
Managers can now file mass overtime applications in behalf of their direct reports. This is found in the Overtime Search page. Once the “Upload Overtime” button is clicked, a template can be downloaded and filled out. This template is then uploaded to file the overtime applications. To get this awesome feature enabled for your account, get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or shoot us a message at!
Check this article out to learn how - How Do I Upload Mass Overtime Applications for My Team?
Leaves Can Now Accrue on the Employee’s Monthsary
Leaves can now be set to accrue every hired date monthsary of the employee. It is added as a new option under “Credits Accrue Overtime”:
Alternate Phone Numbers Format
The alternate phone numbers format is now standardized across all employee profiles and required when updating a profile or creating a new one. This is to get ready for an upcoming feature which will be announced in the near future! Stay tuned!
Here are the corresponding formats for each option selected:
- Mobile: 11 or 12 digits (eg. 09171234567 or 639123456789)
- Landline: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
- Home: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
- Work: 7 or 9 digits (e.g. 8000000 or 028000000)
- Other: 11 or 12 digits (eg. 09171234567 or 639123456789)
Masked / Hidden Password on Employee Profile
The password field on an employee profile is now masked. This was added to adhere to ISO standards and as another layer of security on HR Hub.
Cheers for the new year, everyone!
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