Competency is an ability of a person to do something successfully or efficiently. These act as fundamentals of a position that build with one or more competencies. There is a bunch of available competencies in the system, but in case a particular competency is not available, below are the steps to add one:
1. From the main menu, look for System Setup> Content Customization.
2. Click on Competencies, Select a category from the dropdown to which the new Competency will be assigned. We choose the "Sprout Test" for demonstration purposes.
3. To add new competency, click on the "Add" button, and a portion will show below to put in the name, description, and default weight if desired.
4. Once done, please don't forget to click on the "Save" button. To double-check if the competency is added, you may go back to the Competency page and the new competency added should be available now in the dropdown.
It’s easy, right? For any more questions or concerns about this feature, feel free to shoot us a message at We look forward to hearing from you.
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