The Job Title or Position is one of the fields in Sprout HR that is now being synchronized to Performance+, as we explained in the article Performance+: Employee Syncing Given that the information can be synchronized, you might be asking how you can change your employees' positions in Performance+.
To do so, follow these steps:
The current design of Performance+ is that changing a position (job title) could result in lost scores or comments if an appraisal is in process. Hence, you need to ensure appraisals have been marked Complete before making changes.
Currently, since each position has set competency and goals, it would prompt that the existing scores or evaluation may be removed once the position has been updated.
Via the Employee Profile > Work Information Tab
1. Click on the search button, from the search bar at the top of your screen.
2. Under the Work Information Tab, you may now edit the Job Title.
3. Once done, don't forget to hit on the "Save" button.
Via Bulk Edit Employee Information
1. Go to the Bulk Upload page under the Administration Tools tab of your dashboard.
2. Click the edit existing employees link so that the template will be sent to you through email*.
*Note: The email address would be the one indicated in the Contact Information tab of your EmployeeProfile.
3. Once the template has been downloaded, you may change the position on the Column “Job Title”.
Note: The field Job Title must be a string with a maximum length of 50.
For more information, you may also refer to the article: How to Edit Employees in Bulk
Once the updates of the Position (Job Title) are successfully done in Sprout HR, the Admin may check if the changes have been reflected in Performance+.
1. Click on the Search button, from the search employee bar at the top of your screen.
2. A pop-up will show, just choose an employee by searching for their name on the search bar or by scrolling through the list. Once you click the name of the employee, don't forget to hit on the "Select" button.
3. From the Menu Section on your left, click on Manage Employees then choose Employee Data.
4. Under Settings> User Setup, you may view the Position.
That's about it! If you have other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at! We'd love to hear from you!
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