Column A - Adjustment Type (Required field) - Select the adjustment type from the dropdown (e.g. salary adjustment or reimbursable allowance).
Column B - Adjustment Name (Required field) - Input the name for this template.
Column C - Adjustment code (Required field) - Input a unique adjustment code.
Column D - Adjustment Amount - Input the adjustment amount. The best practice is to input zero in the meantime and change the amount accordingly when the template is used / inserted in the future.
Column E - Remarks - Input, if any.
Columns F & G (Required field) - If taxable, select "Yes" for both. If non-taxable, select "No" for both.
Column H - Maximum Amount - This is used for recurring adjustments. This means the adjustment will stop when it reaches the maximum amount input. Again, the best practice is to input zero first, then change when the template is used.
Column I - Amount will be divided per period (Required field) - Selecting "Yes" will split the total adjustment amount (column D) into two. Selecting "No" will require you to input an answer in Column J.
Column J - Apply Period - (Required if "No" is selected on Column I)- input "1" or "2" to indicate which period the amount will be assigned to. If "Yes" was selected in Column I, you can leave this blank.
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