There are certain circumstances wherein an employee must be away from work for a period of time. Under these situations, this period can either be paid or unpaid, depending on the agreed-upon employment contract. In most cases, paid leaves are accrued overtime or given upfront to an employee after a period of duty in service. However, there are situations wherein an employee would go on an unpaid leave due to lack of credits left or current status of employment.
On Sprout HR, employees have the capacity to file for a leave even if their total available leave credits is already set to 0. Nonetheless, approval is still up to the immediate supervisor's discretion. In the approval process, it is important to keep in mind that an authorized unpaid leave will not in any way resolve or remove an employee's schedule discrepancies from the Resolution Center. The Resolution Center will only acknowledge paid leaves; this is to ensure that the employees concerned receive proper compensation for any day spent outside work.
Approval of unpaid leaves is for documentation purposes only. It simply serves as a clear proof that the immediate supervisor consented to the employee's request for a day-off. If in any case the schedule discrepancy on the Resolution Center is causing confusion, you can always choose to ignore it.
I hope this helps! For any further questions and concerns you may have regarding this, feel free to message us at We look forward to hearing from you.
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