According to the Labor Code, service incentive leave (SIL) is a right of every employee. Article 95 of this law states that every employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly SIL of five days with pay. However, it is important to keep in mind that SILs are not available to contractual or fixed-term employees. Nowhere in the Labor Code does it state that contractual employees have the right to sick leave or vacation leave; therefore, the grant of vacation leaves solely depends on the employer's policy or if it is provided in the collective bargaining agreement of the employer and employees.
On the employee profile, clients have the option to choose an employee's employment status. This can range from regular, probationary, contractual, and fixed-term to name a few.
Take note that only regular and probationary employees benefit from the automatic accrual of leaves on Sprout HR. Even if contractual employees are included in a particular leave plan, they will not earn any leaves over time.
However if the employee's contract specifies that he/she is entitled to paid or sick leaves, you would have to manually add the leave credits on Sprout HR. For a step-by-step process on how this can be done, you can refer to this knowledge-based article.
I hope this information helps!
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